Sounds of Change

The theme song for European Music Therapy Day 2016 is (also) called 'Sounds of Change'. Download of the lyrics and chords and the sheet music.
What can you do with this song?

  • This song can be used for all 'Sounds of Change' activities. Of course you can translate it into your own language, you can also use it as a framework for improvisations.
  • Idea: record yourself performing this song, post it to Youtube and send the link to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

'The Sounds of Change', written by Albert Berman and arranged by Alberto Caicedo for GML Gesellschaft fir Musiktherapie zu Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. and the 3rd European Music Therapy Day.

Slovenia: first year students Music Therapy at Institute Knoll for Music Therapy and Supervision

Portugal: APMT 'Celebrate the Sound' (full version)

Portugal: Music Therapy students from Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa sent us a short video of their version of "Celebrate The Sound" in Portuguese.

Spain: Happy European Music Therapy Day from students Master in Music Therapy at ESMUC in Barcelona with their version of 'The Sounds of Change'.

Poland: Music therapy students of the Music Academy Karol Lipinski in Wrocław, Poland: "Power of Music, Power of Sounds" (Siła muzyki, siła dźwięku).

Lithuania: Happy European Music Therapy Day from music therapy students in Lithuania.

The Netherlands: celebrating European Music Therapy Day in Amersfoort.