Hearing your voice

The theme song for European Music Therapy Day 2017 is 'Hearing your voice', composed and arranged by Daniel Palacios, Gil Henriques, João Vilas and Jorge Jesus.
Download the lyrics and chords and
sheet music.
What can you do with this song?

  • This song can be used for all Music Therapy Day activities. Of course you can translate it into your own language, you can also use it as a framework for improvisations.
  • Idea: record yourself performing this song, post it to Youtube and send the link to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alternative song for European Music Therapy Day: 'Music... every (therapy) day', composed and arranged by Albert Berman.
Download the lyrics and chords and sheet music.

LUXEMBOURG: 'Music... every day!' written by Albert Berman and arranged by Martin Folz for "Les enfants qui chantent", Chouerschoul Conservatoire du Nord Diekirch & Ettelbruck.


POLAND: 'Hearing your voice' (Słuchając twojego głosu) written by Daniel Palacios. Music therapy students of the Music Academy Karol Lipinski in Wrocław.

The Netherlands/Uganda: We received this swinging version of 'Music... every day!' from Uganda. Thank you Saskia Gevers en Jayanti Doekhi!

SLOVENIA: 'Music ... every day - Čas za glasbo!'music therapy students and lecturers at Institut Knoll, Kranj, Slovenia.

PORTUGAL: 'It's time for music... every day!' - APMT Associação Portuguesa de Musicoterapia

ISRAEL: 'Music … every day!' Happy European MUSIC THERAPY Day from music therapy students University of Haifa,The Graduate School of Art Therapies, Israel.

 PORTUGAL: 'Hearing your voice', written by Daniel Palacios APMT Associação Portuguesa de Musicoterapia

PORTUGAL: 'Music... every day! Celebration of European Musictherapy Day 2017, in a seminar with Barbara Wheeler, November 6th in Lissabon.

ISRAEL: Happy European Music Therapy Day from second year students in music therapy, David-Yellin College, Jerusalem.
Song 'Music... every day!' by Albert Berman.

SPAIN: 'Music ... every day!' by the primary school students of Helios de l'Eliana school, Valencia.

ISRAEL: 'Music... every day!' song by Albert Berman. Performed by MA degree music therapy students in David-Yellin College, M.A.A.T school, Jerusalem. Singing in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

SPAIN: 'Music ... every Day!' Happy European Music Therapy Day from the children of Tararea Laboratorio Musical (Music and Dance School for children from 0 to 100 years old), Córdoba.

THE NETHERLANDS: Original song for Music Therapy Day 2017 'Music ... every day!', played by live band, in Symfora Meander Psychiatric Centre, Amersfoort.

GERMANY: The Music Therapy Day Song,  'Music... every day!' written by Albert Berman arranged by first year students of the SRH Heidelberg, Bachelor Music Therapy.

SPAIN: 'Hearing your voice' improvisation with participants to the III GIIMT Congress in Valencia, November 10-12, 2017